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About PVSG

Who we are...

The Penobscot Valley Star Gazers (PVSG) are a group of people who want to share our astronomical knowledge and experiences, not only with each other, but with the general public too. Our members are from the Bangor-Brewer area and surrounding towns. Our members come with many different astronomical backgrounds - from novices to experienced amateur astronomers, with differing astronomical interests.

We meet regularly to share information, skills, experiences, and to honor our commitment to public education in the field of astronomy. Regular meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month. Please check the Calendar for details. The public is invited to attend any of our regularly-scheduled monthly meetings.

What we do...

As part of our educational outreach, we assist local schools, scouting groups, and other organizations with their astronomical events. PVSG also assists other groups, like the Challenger Learning Center of Maine and the Emera Astronomy Center, who host astronomical public events. Additionally, PVSG sponsors many public star parties and other educational activities, and welcomes the interest and participation of all to these public events. For further information or requests, please Contact us.

Additionally, PVSG members attend larger events, such as the Maine State Star Party, where amateur astronomers gather to assist the general public in observing the wonders of the night sky.